miðvikudagur, júní 28, 2006


Did I mention how much I love Iceland in the summer time? And especially how much I lov e the night, or the lack of night. It's past 2 in the morning now and it's as bright as it will be in twelve hours.

Ashleigh -> BE THERE!

Pictures here of me, friends playing at midnight and a picture I can't remember what is, because it's uploading and I can't see yet.

I'm there on ms. Herjólfur, our beloved 3 hour ferry. I take this ferry all the time, I've taken it 3 times the last two weeks and I'm going tomorrow. Tomorrow is the beginning of a beautiful road trip around Iceland, and that will be sweet. People, you'll see many pictures from that trip. That'll be around five days. fun fun.

Yes, now I see. It's the house called "Jaðar". Jaðar means edge or something (Smári, correct me). The house is just by the new volcano, it made it through the eruption. I can't say the same thing about the house behind Jaðar. "Blátindur", the house, did not make it. The living room window can be seen. I guess they could throw some tea-parties there. I took this picture for my work. My work is nice. I like it. Today I spent more than two hours with an old couple and they just rambled on about all times and I just drank coffee and enjoyed. Talking about sweetness.

Guðrún and Þorvaldur, my friends, sailing past midnight last weekend. I mention it specifically that it was past midnight, because I love to. We got caught for doing this and the guards threw us out of the garden. They told us to walk home and take it easy, whatever that means. Guðrún and Þorvaldur are not a couple, just cousins.

The happiness shines through. What can I do else, but be happy on board "Herjólfur".

Well, I gotta wake up in less than 5 hours and work. Later tomorrow I'll take Herjólfur and start my road trip with my good friend Guðjón the son of Ólafur and Ingunn. She was once a Scot.

Link of the day:
* Some foreigner's interpretation of Icelandic street signs. Weird for foreigners, hilarious for Icelanders. It's spanish for the vision for you guys.

mánudagur, júní 19, 2006

Here's one for you, miss Schramek. I hope you're enjoying the US of America. And all of you who can read English, I hope you're doing good. I think it's kind of fair that I write in English, the Icelanders have me now and they all read English anyways.

This picture of me and Shabbir is from the significant night, where everything had meaning. Very theological, somehow, somefing or nuffing.

The Icelandic Sheep. I've been talking about it all winter, but here it is, in all its glory. In the midnight sun it shows its beauty and declares that it reigns over the creature... untill you run after them. Then they bail.

You all remember how everyone used to say that I'm big?? pfff... Here is my good friend Símon Geir. He's reaching the 7ft/2.10 in few days and has never been more handsome... Too bad for you, Anna, that you're engaged, because he's SINGLE!

This mountain is the pride of my town, my big town of 4000 souls. The mountain is called Heimaklettur, which means The Home Cliff. If there's anything that makes me feel like home, than it is Heimaklettur. In the foreground you see the flag of my town waving in the wind... the cold cold wind. You can also see my house, it's down there with the brown banner thing on the roof.

I'm just working, reading, spending time with family and friends, going to the mainland once in a while and hopefully doing some frisbee playing if the weather gets any better.

I believe these three months are gonna fly by, so don't worry ya all. You know that I ain't worrying, and everything "redds" all the time

Að reddast - redding:
The Icelandic word to know; it means that you don't have to worry because everything is gonna turn out ok. "That redds".

föstudagur, júní 09, 2006

Þá er komið að því, útskrift og heimför. Útskrift fyrir Helga og heimför fyrir mig. Mig verður það nú ósköp ljúft.

Talandi um að kvarta yfir hitastigi; á morgun verður eflaust mjög heitt úti og hitinn í kapellunni verður óbærilegur vegna ó-loftræstingar, 300 manns og jakkafataklæðnaðs. En þetta verður eflaust fínt, allavega þegar þetta er liðið.

Á morgun verða nokkur "bless, þangað til á himnum" sögð, en mest verður það bara "sjáumst í haust". Gott að hugsa til þess, þó að fólk einblíni á það hversu langt er til haustsins.

Þetta eru gaurarnir sem eru að koma til Íslands, Helgi B.Div.(Hon) og Daníel stúdent.

Þar sem ég veit að Kristín verður ekki ánægð með að vera skilin út undan þá ætti ég að setja hér eina borðu-mynd af henni.

laugardagur, júní 03, 2006


Villukennandinn tekinn og píndur vegna bleiks bols með boðskap.

Gaman að hjóla um Brussel, svaka sport.

daníel og frú katrín frosna.

Margt búið að gerast og enn færri dagar til Íslands.

Við peyjarnir á vistinni höfum fengið nýtt áhugamál; að taka upp dans-vídeó. Alskonar vídeó með fjölbreyttri tónlist, þó aðallega Bollywood-músík. Ætli það stafi ekki af sólarleysi undanfarna daga, en hún ætlar að skína næstu daga (par la foi).

Eftir viku verður allt búið, þangað til í haust þegar það byrjar aftur. Get ekki ímyndað mér að fara í Biblíuskóla í 3 mánuði eða 6 eða 9, það er alltof stutt. ALLTOF. Ég og Helgi spjöllum oft um þetta, og eftir þrjú ár hefur hann sömu tilfinningu. Margir telja mann ruglaðan að ,,eyða" þremur árum í Bilíuskóla og ég hef bara eitt við svoleiðis fólk að segja: Það er rétt. Það er ekki fyrir neinn heilbrigðan mann að fara út í neitt svona lagað.

En hvað um það, ég hlakka til að koma heim, og ég held að séu nokkrir þar sem hlakka til þess að sjá mig.