Ég hef frá svo ofboðslega miklu að segja, hringferðin var mögnuð, hreint megnum.
The Long Way Around: The tale of the three Icelanders exploring Iceland
We Icelanders are getting too used to connecting having fun during summer vacation and going somewhere abroad. In the minds of the young people there's nothing interesting about the small villages and weird farmers in fjords with bad roads. The younglanders want to go to Benidorm and Mallorca, stay at a party-hotel and lick the sun all day. That might be one of the reason there were so few of us. So few that took the time from our busy summer jobs to explore this land of ours with weird farmers and small "boring" villages. There was me, Gaui and Ingunn. The three of us took the time to have the adventure of a lifetime. And trust me, it will be repeated.
I decided to take two days off from my work for this not-so-planned trip. All we knew was that we were going to take the circle around Iceland, road nr ONE. The circle is about 1500 kilometers, just less than 1000 miles. We made it but our conclusion was that four days is too short to pay a tribute to our beautiful country.
Me and Gaui were going to take the ferry from my island to the main land at 4pm on Wednesday. We just made it, we jumped on board (from behind) and made the staff grumpy. We were loaded with stuff and boarded the "3 people max" elevator. On the way up it stopped and was stuck. We opened the door and we were between floors. After several minutes of fixing we rang the emergency bell. The staff came and helped us out. An electric cord from Gaui's CD player had gotten stuck under the elevator and was causing all this trouble. What a start!
We made it safe to Þorlákshöfn and from there to Reykjavik. The weather was getting worse, so we decided to leave early in the morning. Early on Thursday we left Reykjavik with Ingunn from Christchurch the Icelandic one. We drove to the north. The weather was going to be best in the north, so we followed the weather (and the weather forecast). On the way we discovered the small villages of Iceland. What a hidden treasure! The small cute old houses, the peace, the atmosphere and the openness of the people! We stopped in all these small villages and how great!?! We also visited some abandoned farms. That's always fun. Everything ruined and old. The weather played with us and we played with it. At the end of the day, we put up the tent and bbq-ed some real Icelandic lamb. mmm... lamb.
Man, the greatness of the place we put up the tent. It was so beautiful and in the morning... wow! I can't describe it here and I'm not gonna try. In fact, I can't describe at all how great this trip was. You who read this and you're a foreigner; come and experience all of this. You who read this and you're an Icelander; DRULLAÐU ÞÉR AF STAÐ!
We visited more small towns, watched Germany win Argentina, ate grilled salmon at the farm of Ingunn's aunt and bathed in the hot springs of Myvatn. Just above 40°c, the water was perfect and at midnight we enjoyed everything the nature has to offer; sunlight, hot pools, still weather and good fellowship.
I visited some uncles and great-aunts on Husavik. That was a blast. In one of the most beautiful places in Iceland; Ásbyrgi, the minister of foreign affairs invited us to join her and her political farmers-party in a barbecue. We accepted the invitation and had a great time with some politicians.
The final place we visited was Eyjolfsstaðir, near Egilsstaðir. There we met some friends that are working on this Christian hotel, We stayed there and they sure waited on us. On Sunday we had a good time going to a outdoor church meeting and some of us jumped in this river. After that we drove straight to Þorlákshöfn, with few stops. I took the ferry to my island at 2:30 on Monday morning and arrived at my home at 5 am on Monday morning, just in time for work. I was tired that morning, sitting by the computer and fighting my eyes.
Look at all these photos!

We stuck in the elevator

Gaui tries out the "gaer" from the Icelandic sheep.

It's not so bad to live here!

In August we catch the young puffins on my island and then release them. That's a great sport. Here we are releasing the stones. FREE THE STONES!

Can you imagine waking up at this place! This is in Siglufjarðarskarð

Gaui takes a bow in the hot pool. This is inside a small canyon that was full with this lovely water.

Every farm has it's own church, and they're not all big!

Here we are with the minister of foreign affairs. She bought my vote!

This was close, but I'm alive and thank God!

Small and short. The old man in the back was really short and the little kid was small. Young and old.

This is what I'm always talking about in Belgium: There's nothing by the roads in Iceland... NOTHING. And "I'm lovin' it"... c'est tout ce que j'aime!

Happy picture by one of Iceland's great water falls, Dettifoss, the falling foss, the falling water fall... the falling water, the water fall... foss.

I have to put a picture of ice from Iceland. This place is beautiful. Jökulsárlón. The lón of the á from jökull.

Hopp hopp. People jumping in the cold cold river from high cliffs. Gaui jumped from the bridge seen there.

The Icelandic summer night. Absolutely magnificent. Totally.
Whom did I convince??
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