This picture of me and Shabbir is from the significant night, where everything had meaning. Very theological, somehow, somefing or nuffing.

The Icelandic Sheep. I've been talking about it all winter, but here it is, in all its glory. In the midnight sun it shows its beauty and declares that it reigns over the creature... untill you run after them. Then they bail.

You all remember how everyone used to say that I'm big?? pfff... Here is my good friend Símon Geir. He's reaching the 7ft/2.10 in few days and has never been more handsome... Too bad for you, Anna, that you're engaged, because he's SINGLE!

This mountain is the pride of my town, my big town of 4000 souls. The mountain is called Heimaklettur, which means The Home Cliff. If there's anything that makes me feel like home, than it is Heimaklettur. In the foreground you see the flag of my town waving in the wind... the cold cold wind. You can also see my house, it's down there with the brown banner thing on the roof.
I'm just working, reading, spending time with family and friends, going to the mainland once in a while and hopefully doing some frisbee playing if the weather gets any better.
I believe these three months are gonna fly by, so don't worry ya all. You know that I ain't worrying, and everything "redds" all the time
Að reddast - redding:
The Icelandic word to know; it means that you don't have to worry because everything is gonna turn out ok. "That redds".
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