Ashleigh -> BE THERE!
Pictures here of me, friends playing at midnight and a picture I can't remember what is, because it's uploading and I can't see yet.
I'm there on ms. Herjólfur, our beloved 3 hour ferry. I take this ferry all the time, I've taken it 3 times the last two weeks and I'm going tomorrow. Tomorrow is the beginning of a beautiful road trip around Iceland, and that will be sweet. People, you'll see many pictures from that trip. That'll be around five days. fun fun.

Yes, now I see. It's the house called "Jaðar". Jaðar means edge or something (Smári, correct me). The house is just by the new volcano, it made it through the eruption. I can't say the same thing about the house behind Jaðar. "Blátindur", the house, did not make it. The living room window can be seen. I guess they could throw some tea-parties there. I took this picture for my work. My work is nice. I like it. Today I spent more than two hours with an old couple and they just rambled on about all times and I just drank coffee and enjoyed. Talking about sweetness.

Guðrún and Þorvaldur, my friends, sailing past midnight last weekend. I mention it specifically that it was past midnight, because I love to. We got caught for doing this and the guards threw us out of the garden. They told us to walk home and take it easy, whatever that means. Guðrún and Þorvaldur are not a couple, just cousins.

The happiness shines through. What can I do else, but be happy on board "Herjólfur".
Well, I gotta wake up in less than 5 hours and work. Later tomorrow I'll take Herjólfur and start my road trip with my good friend Guðjón the son of Ólafur and Ingunn. She was once a Scot.
Link of the day:
* Some foreigner's interpretation of Icelandic street signs. Weird for foreigners, hilarious for Icelanders. It's spanish for the vision for you guys.